Help women get better bladder control with AZO* Supplements
Supporting Healthy Bladder Function for Happier Patients*
do not talk to their doctor about their condition1
wake at least once a night to urinate2
find symptoms of bladder control extremely or very bothersome1
Nearly 20 million women battle occasional bladder control issues.3 There is a good chance some of your patients are among them.
Causes of increased urge to urinate include obesity, menopause, nerve or muscle problems, and natural aging.2,4 Whatever the cause, the impact to muscles and tissues of the bladder can cause poor bladder control and can be extremely bothersome to your patients.
Patients may be embarrassed by bladder control issues and hesitate to discuss them with you. Some may feel that their symptoms indicate a lack of self-control. Others may believe no simple solutions are available.
You can help foster a conversation about bladder control issues by asking questions such as:5
- How often do you have the urge to use the bathroom during the day?
- How many times do you wake with the urge to urinate after falling asleep?
- Do you wear liners or pads because of bladder control issues?
Of course, prescriptions and surgeries are available to treat bladder control symptoms. But you may first want to consider recommending a naturally-sourced product with no known side effects. Your patients may appreciate your suggestion of an affordable, drug-free, over-the-counter solution.
AZO Bladder Control® with Go-Less®
AZO Bladder Control with Go-Less® is a safe, drug-free dietary supplement with naturally-sourced ingredients that can:
- Help patients control the urge to urinate*
- Support healthy bladder function*
- Safely reduce occasional urgency*
- Help support a good night’s sleep*
Go-Less® is a clinically proven, naturally sourced blend of pumpkin seed extract and soy germ extract that has been shown effective in supporting bladder control.*6,7,8,9 There are no known adverse effects directly attributed to the ingredients, although the product does contain soy, a known allergen.
The positive influence of pumpkin seed extract and soy germ extract on bladder function laid the groundwork for Go-Less®, which has subsequently been tested and verified in supporting bladder control. Open-label studies performed on the Go-Less® blend show efficacy in as little as two weeks.6 Read about these studies.
AZO Bladder Control® & Weight Management
AZO Bladder Control® & Weight Management is a safe, drug-free and caffeine-free daily supplement that can:
- Help patients control the urge to urinate*
- Helps balance serotonin levels and metabolism to help manage weight*
- Safely help reduce occasional urgency*
- Help support a good night’s sleep*
AZO Bladder Control® & Weight Management helps safely manage weight, which has been shown to help encourage good bladder control.* This product contains the same clinically proven Go-Less® blend of pumpkin seed extract and soy germ extract as AZO Bladder Control® with Go-Less®. It also contains an added ingredient, CQR-300® sourced from the Cissus quadrangularis plant, which supports serotonin balance and helps promote metabolic health to support healthy weight management.*
Pumpkin Seed Extract and Soy Germ Extract for Bladder Symptoms*
Pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo) seed is not only a good food source but has been used for years in traditional medicine for the treatment of functional bladder disorders and urination difficulties.10
Pumpkin seed extracts are thought to have a direct effect on the bladder detrusor as well as the bladder sphincter muscle integrity and function via androgen receptor binding or activation of the nitric oxide pathway.*11,12
In-vitro studies indicate that the pumpkin seed extract, specifically the water-soluble pumpkin seed extract used in AZO Bladder Control, may inhibit select enzymes in hormone metabolism such as 5-alpha reductase and aromatase.13,14
The consumption of soy has also been associated with benefits to bladder function.15,16 Soy germ appears to have an effect on relaxing the detrusor muscle as demonstrated in animal models17,18 and have demonstrated improvements in muscular strength of the pelvic floor and the periurethral vessels in menopausal women.19
AZO Bladder Control® with Go-Less® can be the nonprescription answer your patients are looking for to help manage occasional urgency both day and night.*Help your patients take control of their bladder symptoms.*
CQR-300® for Healthy Weight Management*
Published clinical studies20,21,22 demonstrated that participants restricted to 2100Kcal/day while taking 300mg/day of CQR-300®:
- Lost at least 2.9% more weight than those taking the placebo.20,21,22
- Reduced body fat by at least 5% as compared to those taking placebo.20,21,22
- Increased serotonin levels by at least 20%,20,22 compared to those taking placebo, which may help support regulation of appetite and energy homeostasis.
- No adverse events were reported in any clinical trial.20,21,22,23

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AZO® products you can depend on - for the patients who depend on you*
Information for You and Your Patients
AZO® helps you support your patients with a full line of urinary and bladder products that are safe, effective and available in many stores. You strive to do all you can to support your patients’ health. AZO® can help. Recommend the right AZO® products today.

1Omnibus Bladder Consumer Study commissioned by i-Health, Inc. the distributor of AZO Bladder Control®, 2015.
2Coyne KS, Sexton CC, Thompson CL, et al. The prevalence of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) in the USA, the UK and Sweden: results from the Epidemiology of LUTS (EpiLUTS) study. BJU Int. 2009 Aug;104(3):352-60. doi: 10.1111/j.1464-410X.2009.08427.x.Epub 2009 Mar 5.
3Urinary Incontinence New Hope Research Activities, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.July 2012, No. 383. July 2012.
4Urinary Incontinence.U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2014. Available at:
5Culligan PJ, Heit M. University of Louisville Health Sciences Center, Louisville, Kentucky. Am Fam Physician. 2000 Dec 1;62(11):2433-2444.
6Sogabe H, Terado T. Open Clinical Study of Effects of Pumpkin Seed Extract/soybean Germ Extract Mixture-containing Processed Food on Nocturia. Japanese Journal ofMedicine and Pharmaceutical Science, 2001; 46(5):727-737.
7Terado T, et al. Clinical study of mixed processed foods containing pumpkin seed extract and soybean germ extract on pollikiuria in night in elderly men., Japanese Journal ofMedicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2004; 52(4):551-561.
8Yanagisawa E, et al. Study of Effectiveness of Mixed Processed Food Containing Cucurbita Pepo Seed Extract and Soybean Seed Extract on Stress Urinary Incontinence inWomen. Japanese Journal of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Science, 2003; 14(3):313-322.
9Shim B, et al. Evaluation on the Functionality of Cucu¬flavone for Improvement of Overactive Bladder-related Voiding Dysfunction and Quality of Life. Not published.
10Azimi H, et al. A review of animal and human studies for management of benign prostatic hyperplasia with natural products: perspective of new pharmacological agents. In¬flammation & Allergy-Drug Targets, 2012;11:207-221.
11Andersson KE, Persson K.The L-arginine/nitric oxide pathway and non-adrenergic, non-cholinergic relaxation of the lower urinary tract. General Pharmacology, 1993;24(4):833-839.
12Hata K, et al. Effects of pumpkin seed extract on urinary bladder function in anesthetized rats. Japanese Journal of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Science, 2005; 54(3):339-345.
13Schmidlin CB, Kreuter MH.Cucurbita pepo possible influence on hormonal imbalance and incontinence. Phytotherapy (German). 2003; 3:16-19.
14Schiebel-Schlosser G, et al. Pumpkin seeds in the phytotherapy of BPH, Journal of Phytotherapy (German). 1998; 19:71-76.
15Wong SYS, et al.The association between isoflavone and lower urinary tract symptoms in elderly men. British Journal of Nutrition, 2007; 98:1237-1242.
16Wong WCE, et al. Isoflavones in treating watchful waiting benign prostate hyperplasia: a double-blinded, randomized controlled trial. Journal of alternative and Complementary Medicine, 2012; 18(1):54-60.
17Ratz PH, et al. Differential effects of sex hormones and phytoestrogens on peak and steady state contraction in isolated rabbit detrusor. The Journal of Urology, 1999; 162(5):1821-1828.
18Okada S, et al. Dietary soy isoflavone replacement improves detrusor overactivity of ovariectomized rats with altered connexin-43 expressionin the urinary bladder. BJU International, 2009; 103: 1429–1435.
19AccorsiLAS, et al. Effects of isoflavones on the pelvic floor and the periurethral vascularization of postmenopausal women. RevistaBrasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia, 2006; 28(9): 545-550.
20Oben, J.E., et al., The effect of Cissus quadrangularis (CQR-300) and a cissus formulation (CORE) on obesity and obesity-induced oxidative stress. Lipids in Health and Disease, 2007; 6:4 doi:10.1186/1476-511X-6-4
21Oben, J.E., et al., The use of Cissus quadrangularis/Irvingia gabonensis combination in the management of weight loss: a double-blind placebo-controlled study. Lipids in Health and Disease, 2008; 7:12 doi:10.1186/1476-511X-7-12
22Kuate, D., et al., The Use of Cissus quadrangularis (CQR-300) in the Management of Components of Metabolic Syndrome in Overweight and Obese Participants. Natural Product Communications, 2015; 10.7: 1281-1286.
23Oben, J., et al., The use of Cissus quadrangularis formulation in the management of weight loss and metabolic syndrome. Lipids in Health and Disease, 2006; 5:24 doi:10.1186/1476-511X-5-24